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1300 WORTHY (1300 967 849)

Assistance Personal Activities

Look and Feel Your Best.

Our friendly team can help you with everyday personal care, so you feel good about your appearance and confident with how you are caring for yourself. Ensuring you maintain a high standard of personal care and how you look will also give your loved one’s peace of mind about your health and wellbeing.

Daily or regular assistance with personal care such as showering and grooming or taking regular medication will ensure you look good and feel good.

Our team are also experts in hoist usage and management as well as sling transfers and manual handling with assisted technologies.
We regularly manage catheter care as well as bowl and incontinence care keeping you healthy and ready to face your day. Your needs change, and we can change with you based on what you prefer or the clinical needs that you support to manage – regardless of how simple or complex you may require.

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empowered and fulfilled

Our vision is that the people in our care are empowered to reach their maximum potential. To reach out and obtain their dreams, to reach the unimaginable and to live the gratifying life of their choice as a respected member of the community.

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