Personalised Disability Services
Personalised Disability Services we care, we empower Abilities NQ was created for our North Queensland disability community, and our friends and our families who need a better way to access individualised disability support
how we can help
Our Support Services
We offer a broad range of services delivered by our highly experienced, professional support staff.
Created for our North Queensland disability community
We specialise in tailoring all levels of supports to ensure our participants reach their goals. Our trusted management team and highly experienced support staff actively inspire and collaborate with our participants, to help them pursue more independent and fulfilling lives.





Our Mission Statement:
AbilitiesNQ is a family run business striving for excellence within the Disability Sector. Here at AbilitiesNQ we pride ourselves on our personal service and our ability to maximise the potential of all participants and staff under our care.
We value joint partnerships with the community that enthuse collective engagement and inspired responses to the evolving needs of the people that we support.